WordPress Development

Our experience since 2012 has been dedicated exclusively to WordPress development. This experience helps us build the appropriate tech stack on WordPress – such as determining themes to use, plugins to integrate, and APIs.

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Our Process

We live by our carefully crafted 6 step process to ensure we cover all the aspects of the website that matter to you – and matter to the customer.

Step 1: Kickoff Discovery

We start out by holding a kickoff meeting that covers all the essentials of the web development process. This includes covering customer journey, high level objectives, structure, sitemap, design style, and important project dates.

This gives us the blueprint to building the site, and gives your team transparency as to the final product.

Step 2: Breaking Ground

We begin the development of the homepage, and provide updates on the progress to collect valuable feedback from your team. Our goal is to implement your team’s notes prior to having the site go to the end-client for review. 

Step 3: Collecting Content

If content has not been provided to us initially (we often work in parallel with your copywriters), our team collects this content and creates a content breakout document that organizes this content for development purposes. 

Our content loading team then adds the content to each of the already approved page design templates.

Step 4: Change Requests

Our goal at this stage is to present the full site for review by both your team and the end-client’s team. Once feedback is collected, we begin immediately implementing change requests to final approval.

Step 5: Mobile Responsive

Our team goes through the entire site ensuring that the mobile experience is both practical and seamless. We are partnered with LambdaTest to ensure mobile responsiveness across all devices.

Step 6: Launch

On final approval, our migration team initiates the launch of the site, often in coordination with the end-client’s IT team if necessary.

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Our Approach to Mobile Responsive Design

All of the web pages we develop feature a mobile responsive interface. What that means is every website we create is designed to look great for your visitors, whether they are using their desktop PC, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. 

When a website is responsive, the layout or the content and images on each page will adapt to the size of the screen they are viewed on. Responsive websites automatically change their format so that the page is easy to view and navigate no matter what type of device you are on. Instead of the content getting smaller when viewing on a phone, the text size adapts and becomes larger, making it easier to read on a smaller screen.  

Cross Browser Compatibility

Our Test Team uses LambdaTest Cross Browser Testing Cloud – to perform a live interactive and automated cross browsing testing on more than 2,000 real browsers and operating systems. 

This tool makes it possible for our team to preview how a website functions on multiple browsers all at the same time, and quickly identify any potential issues. 

We can also test out how a website will look on various devices. The Lambda Tests allow us to see how different a page will look when viewed on an iPhone and compare that to how it looks on a tablet or laptop.

Our Gold Agency Partnership with Flywheel

We use a great combination of tools and technology to assist our workflow and giving our client’s peace of mind. This is why we have partnered with Flywheel and their team of WordPress experts to aid in the staging environment while the new site is being built.
We are very pleased to currently be featured on Flywheel’s partner database.

Schedule a Discovery Call

We welcome the opportunity to introduce our team and services.

Please schedule a call with owner David Marmon for an introductory call.

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